What's happening in your business, industry or organization?
Let's make it newsworthy.
In the marketplace today, everything from economic cycles to globalization to pop culture has affected competition, revenue streams and the marketability of businesses and special interest groups. However, these influences present opportunities for organizations and individuals to provide thought leadership and promote best practices.
Treetop consultants are former investigative journalists who know how and what to research to stay on top of trends. We've tackled various topics throughout our careers, so the learning curve is brief. We can then apply our media intelligence to help customers identify topics for commissioned reports and white papers that lay out challenges and recommend solutions.
In 2011, Treetop Consulting produced two groundbreaking research reports that resulted in media coverage, continuing education efforts and the formation of valuable partnerships for its clients.

The Mid-skills Gap in Middle America: Building Today's Workforce, October 2011. Developed for AAR, a global leader in the aerospace and defense industries, commissioned Treetop Consulting to produce a special report on its workforce challenges and the need for better STEM education, career awareness, curriculum alignment and public-private partnerships to build a pipeline of workers. View the full report at http://www.aarcorp.com/mid-skills/.
Risk and Reward, May 2011. Produced for the League of Black Women, the report, based on a survey developed by the LBW and Treetop Consulting with DePaul University, provides never-before published data and information about what motivates Black women in pursuit of leadership to take risks, who supports them, what's standing in their way, and how they overcome the barriers. View the full report at http://events.leagueofblackwomen.org/2012/02/13/1012/.
Fostering the Leadership Potential of Black Women: Support for Retention and Engagement, June 2007. Edited for the League of Black Women, the report is based on data collected through survey by League in partnership with Booz Allen Hamilton.
The Future of Economic Development for African Americans in the City of Chicago, 2008-2018, contributing writer and research. Commissioned by the Chicago Urban League, February 2008.
The Chicago 2016 Olympic Games and Minority Inclusion: Economic Impacts and Opportunities, contributing writer and researcher. Commissioned by the Chicago Urban League with Kellogg School of Management and the Larry and Carol Institute for Entrepreneurial Practice, June 2007.
The Pathway to Apprenticeship: Roadblocks to Registration of Minorities and Women in Building Trade Union Apprenticeship Training Programs in Northeastern Illinois. Lead author and researcher. Commissioned by the City College of Chicago, March 2006.